Duration Time
March-November 2016
In this festival, there are several projects involving students, teachers, artists and educational practitioners. This project seeks to find possibilities that take place on education in Indonesia.
The project is also trying to bring together subject and object of education and the community. All the results of this project will be presented in the Hall A2 Gudang Sarinah Ekositem. With title Sekolah 244x122
May - August 2016
Goverment High School, Private High School, International High School, Alternative High School, Madrasah Aliyah, Vocational High School & Special High School in Greater Jakarta
High school students
Sekolah Idaman (Ideal School). This laboratory is trying to unravel the imagination High School students (SMA) in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Depok, and Bekasi (Greater Jakarta) on education institutions that they desire. Throughout the history of national education, Indonesia always positioned students as passive party accepts the form and system of educational institutions.
Sekolah Idaman has been started in March 2016. To date, Serrum has made the process of collecting data about the image of the ideal school at four institutions, there are SMAN 7 South Tangerang, Depok Master High School, High School Talent Jakarta, and SMK Diponegoro 1 Jakarta. Some schools were selected based on the social, economic, and trends cognition school students who of course are not separated from their background as a member of society, as well as the tendency of schools to develop a culture within the institution.
May - August 2016
Yogyakarta, Copenhagen, Jakarta, Koganecho
Pasar Ilmu (Science market). The national education system designed to meet the needs of the dominant group in fact have an impact on the pattern of transmission of knowledge that takes place between teachers and students. In order to maintain the values and norms related to the interests of the ruling, this time incarnated teacher as someone who has the supreme authority on science.
According to Jacques Ranciere, not always teachers more knowledgeable than his. All humans have the potential to learn the same. Thus, Ranciere words, explanations of teachers who reflect his authority to a science is precisely an attempt duping (stultification). Therefore, explanation-the explanation put a limit to the understanding of the students.
Market Laboratory Science then responds to the issue of transmitting knowledge that unlocks the potential of duping it by creating a new learning system. Namely to bring together supply and demand of knowledge based on the similarity of the subject you want to discuss. Then both parties can exchange roles, and agree on the rules in the learning process they will do.
Serrum first test art projects Market Studies at the Jogja Biennale in 2015, but to expand the view of the tendency of society in view of the distribution process of science, we expanded pilot areas. In May 2016, Serrum held in Koganecho Market Science, Japan, for a month and then try it also in Copenhagen, Denmark, as well as at the State University of Jakarta in July 2016.
August 2016
Pemenang District, Lombok. West Nusa Tenggara
Teachers & Artists
Rumah Guru (Master's house), made to create new possibilities and break the deadlock those experienced teachers in teaching the subject matter in the classroom. As for how that Serrum travel is connecting the meeting point between the various subjects with the art methods.
In addition, in this laboratory teacher is also expected to discuss how the strategy can be implemented to create teaching material "more meaningful" for students and life. Because, in addition to often be a discourse that is not contextual, the presence of learning materials from the government is also likely to bring a teacher to simply chase the target ketersampaian temporary materials pemaknaannya dimension often overlooked.
September 2015 - August 2016
Jatiwangi Village, West Java
Elementary students
Kuriukulab Masuk Desa (Kurikulab in village) to be implemented in sdn 01 jatisura , jatiwangi trying to accommodating the needs of local discourse , namely by exploring held by the knowledge , then menyistematisasikannya as lessons learned .In addition , this laboratory was also try to eliminate the tendency of the separation between labor technical and conceptual in the formulation curriculum , namely by formulate a subjects new ( a charge local the ground ) through collaboration with local teachers and the community .

Graduated from State University of Jakarta majoring in history. She is joining in Serrum as researcher in 2014. She started her curatorial experience with joining Curator's workshop in Japan Foundation, Tokyo. Now She is doing "Condition Report-How To Escape From the SEA" in Kuala Lumpur and as curator in projects Ekstrakurikulab Festival, Jakarta. As a curator she works with socio-historical perspective.